Visual Story Structure Research

Love Story“Love Story” by JeremyHall is licensed under

Seven Visual Story Components

 How can differnt types of space be controlled in a film?

How can is longitudinal movement achieved?
Control space by…emphasizing longitudinal planes, staging objects perpendicular to the picture plane, move camera, use tonal seperation, use a wide angle lens, etc.
Types of space- deep space, flat space, limited space, and ambiguous space
 How can you control line and shape in a film?

How do you create a linear motif storyboard?
Line and Shape
Control line and shape by…squiniting, evaluating lighting, staging movement, and creating a linear motif storyboard
To do this…evaluate the shapes, control the lighting, and simplify
 What is tone and how do we control it?Tone
-refers to the brightness of objects
– look at where light and dark it to dramtasize
Control tone by…finding the subject, not confusing color and tone, and hiding and revealing objects.
Control the gray scale and use contrast and affinity.
 How do you control color in a film?Color
Control color by…using a color palette, filters, lens filters, lighting filters, time/location, and digital capture photography
 How is movement defined in a film?Movement
Types of movements: actual movement, apparent movement, induced movement, and relative movement
Simple vs. complex movement- occurs in 2 or 3 dimensions
Things that can move on screen- the camera, object, or audience’s point of attention
 How can rhythm be controlled in a film? Rhythm
Control rhythm by…watching lines, not confusing rhythm with movement, find rhythm and movement, find rhythm for a scene, and plan the editing



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