A Day in My Life


This project allowed me to put a visual and auditory perspective on what I spend my time on in 24 hours. This was really eye-opening for me seeing as I have really never tracked my day before. This project made me realize how much time I really do have after school and that it doesn’t take up my whole day.


Color Palette

Pie Chart


Hi my name is Merja Haatanen. This pie chart shows what a day in my life looks like. As you can see in the chart, I spend most of my time sleeping. 8 hours and 50 minutes to be exact totaling 37% of my day. The next thing that I spend most of my time on is being at school. I’m at school for 6 hours a day, not including my lunch break this added up to about 25% of my day. My third biggest category was “other” adding up to 19% of my day. On the day that I tracked the activities that I put into the other section included things like grocery shopping, going to physical therapy, showering, doing homework, anddd playing project makeover on my phone. The fourth and second smallest category I had was transportation, taking up 11% of my day. This included me driving to school, driving around for appointments, and doing errands. This also included driving around with friends because, on this specific day, I drove to the capital forest. My final category was socialization. As I said, on this day I went to the capital forest. This took up about 8% of my day since I ate pizza and watched the sunset. Overall I feel like this pie chart was pretty accurate of a typical day in my life. The only thing I was surprised about was my amount of time socializing. For some reason, I thought it would be more. I feel like I manage my time pretty well though considering I had time to fulfill all my needs throughout the day. Thanks for watching!

Audio Editing

As you can see, my voiceover is much louder than the music because I changed the decibels to -25 for the music so you could hear my voice.


Video Editing

The Documentary

What I Learned & Problems I Solved

I learned about the importance of time management in class especially since I couldn’t work on this project on my Chromebook. To solve this, I had to come into film during my first period to work on this project. I also learned how to use Adobe Illustrator, something I have never worked with before.

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